Tuesday 29 November 2016

OUIL405: The Visual Journalist

Visual Journalism

Subjects: Evolution, Trees, Consumption

After talking to peers about each others subjects it was interesting to see how wide ranging the topics got. It was partly because I had little to say about trees but as a subject it got us talking about some really interesting subjects that happen all over the world. We discussed Japanese suicide rates, S. Korean simulated funerals and the best kick in taekwondo.

It highlighted the brief's possibilities for an interesting story to be told using the chosen subject as a spring board.

The story needs to be my personal viewpoint of the subject.
The story needs to be one that I find interesting and want to communicate.

Incredibly broad/vast - What interests me about Evolution?
Could I let my process of making images evolve somehow?
Could I find out about the opposed view to Evolution? (Interview religious people)
I take trees for granted and don't know much about them but they are also ingrained on human's history.
Humanity's changing relationship with trees as we've evolved. Using forests for shelter to Amazon rainforest destruction. 
Consumption of what? Food, water, energy, information.
I find the idea of consuming information. Unlimited access to information now is overwhelming.

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