Wednesday 23 November 2016

OUIL 404: Line Quality & Mark Making - Robots, FutureTechnology

Future Tech/Robots

I'm really enjoying the drawing tasks and trying to apply them to the subject.
Exploring expression of line quality and mark making creates infinitely more ways of drawing a certain subject.
A theme or subject can be represented in many different ways when using different methods.

I'm starting to combing fine lines with rougher marks. Fine line drawings are given a depth and have more energy.

Fine pen drawings give a definition of shape and abstract pencil marks add energy/movement.

For my subject I've explored nanotechnology - the very small that we can't see.
I've tried to draw marks and lines with chaotic energy but also very measured lines.
There has to be a certain mystery to the shapes as it is obviously my interpretation and it's technology still in development.

Robots and future technology are associated with Science Fiction which I am not that familiar with but I've found drawing concept art of landscapes and action scenes really helpful for developing my ideas of what the future might look like.

I've focused on spheres as they are a common shape associated with particles in textbooks and I think are a good way to illustrate tiny robots/technology as we need shapes/symbols to picture the infinitely small.  

It's interesting to see a repeated mark gradually evolve into a larger, solid object and take on a 3D form. Adding shade and tone with pencil helps create depth.

Ambiguous, blurry spheres are appropriate for the tiny, fuzzy, quantum world

When a simple mark is built up or used multiple times they start to become something interesting.

Mark making development

Research concept art sketches for science fiction films
Look at illustrators who use a lot of marks and unique line technique
Read up more on concepts of nanotechnology/future technology in general
Use different media - more brush strokes, colour, digital 

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