Sunday 20 November 2016

OUIL404: Mark making/Texture/Digital testing

Digital testing with A3 sketchbook

I wanted to do a quick experiment with some of my marks and A3 sketchbook drawings.
Below is the outcome. I used my mark making test as a sort of central focal point and used a textured section from an old photo for patterns to frame the drawing.

Digital allows a lot of manipulation of texture and scale but lacks the random, gradual process of drawing. I never would of come up with any of the marks and expressive drawings using Photoshop but Photoshop is brilliant for building around a drawing with patterns that would be impossible to draw

The section I used below is from an old photograph.
Perhaps a similar texture can be created using print processes?
Using one of the Photoshop tools does allow for some randomness when I selected patches from the photo.

The combination of digital and drawing works well.
Hand drawing the entire work would mean working out the layout and arrangement
Digital does speed up the process a lot but is it as exhaustive spending time sketching and planning the arrangement manually.
Using Photoshop does sometimes feel like style over substance but I want to continue learning how to use it in a subtle way and as an expressive tool the same way I would use a manual tool.  

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