Tuesday 15 November 2016

OUIL404: We Built This City

Tone, Mark, Pattern

My house probably wasn't my perfect house but I tried to use the mark making techniques for the perfect house.

I find doing quick, expressive sketching comes naturally to me.
I seem to naturally draw very quick and loosely.
I let the mark making dictate the shape and structure of the house rather than draw from reference.

I liked the tone of the sketchbook drawings but it didn't translate well into the finished house which was kind of confused in that it was a mix of detail and rough mark making.

Matt said it's a harsh learning process of drawing that scale will change the way an image has to be approached. The small sketches have an energy and purpose but when working bigger, the marks and patterns need to be different in terms of technique and materials used.

My house was dwarfed as it sat on the outskirts of the city...

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