Tuesday 22 November 2016

OUIL405: One Week Map


We spent the day wandering from college into the city centre and tried to get some photos. I thought it'd be a good idea to get some interesting photos rather than our actual route. 
Sound recordings/Photos/Videos helped me remember the day but we struggled to find a theme or follow the list Matt gave us as the rain hammered it down and we got colder and wetter. 

We eventually just wanted to find warm, dry places in the centre and did hear some funny bits of conversation but were happy to get back to college. We were quite aimless but went to a few places and got some good photos as reference. 

We managed to sit and do some observational drawings in the market. I was surprised at that how I capture people has improved. 


We got all our photos, drawings and objects together and tried to find a theme for the map.
Matt suggested thinking about the emotion and personal side of spending the day together as a group of three introverts. I personally find working creatively as a group difficult. I'm so hard wired to listening to my own thoughts and being a control freak with my work. So we decided to make this a theme of our map. 

Aimless, cold, lost

Not having total control of the outcome I found it hard to adapt my way of drawing to fit the style of the poster. Oliver's purposely crude drawings of the pound shop toy animals we bought was brilliant and funny and set the tone perfectly for the map as it was a slightly aimless process of putting the map together.

One thing I learnt from this was I have never really tried drawing in a self deprecating way. I perhaps have tunnel vision in my way of trying to 'improve' or get 'technically' better at drawing rather than just drawing simple images that make people laugh. I really appreciate how important humour is and have explored it in collage but need to see how I can use it more in my drawing.  

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