Tuesday 15 November 2016

OUIL403: Book Cover group crit

Final book cover crit

The feedback from the group crit was really uplifting and positive. The illustrations got the best feedback and they were the successful part of the final cover apart from the title disaster which people kindly ignored.

Could it be scanned in and edited digitally?
Using coloured or textured paper
Maybe too much white space?

Scanning in the illustrations I could of explored a textured background that was subtle. I feel the negative white space does give the images strong clarity with the vivid yellow and black but perhaps a more textured background could of been explored.

To be honest I spent so much time on the illustrations that maybe more thought needed to go into the other areas of the cover like the background and type.

It's possible I'm becoming to reliant on 'simplicity' as an excuse for not exploring more imaginative backgrounds.

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