Tuesday 8 November 2016

OUIL403 - Judge A Book By It's Cover

Group Crit

The group crit was a big help in my decision making on choosing my final design for the cover.
The two designs below will be the final jacket idea.

The fine drawings combined with oil pastel representing sections of the skull got the most positive feedback.

Crit feedback - 
Think about using different angles of the head.
Maybe have the back of the head for the back cover.
Will the background be white/coloured?
The book title could be incorporated into the hair of the head.
Keep the skull detail to communicate the book's subject. 

Collage drafts

The yellow collage design below got positive feedback too but the striking quality of the yellow shapes and sections of skull on the face can be replicated with the fine drawing/oil pastel design above.

The silent crit gave positive feedback about the collage designs but said they wanted to see me use my drawing in the final design. I feel the drawing will add my personality into the final outcome.

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