Wednesday 9 November 2016

OUIL403: Book Cover - Sketchbook ideas

Sketchbook Ideas for Book Cover

Things to consider for the book cover:
Tone of the book - the book is written by a respected academic so the tone needs to have a respect for the author's status as a serious academic.  
Audience - The design of the book needs to appeal to an audience with a non-academic background in science as the book can appeal to a wide group of people.

I want the cover to stand out with my personal voice and opinion being in the imagery.

The geometric shapes and head themed collages are visually strong but do they communicate the tone of the author and content? 

The ideas so far have a surreal quality I like but also manage to focus on the human head element.
The use of bright colour on top of black/white images is bold and works well on white background.

For a complex subject are these surreal collages too simplistic or do they help broaden the appeal of the book to a wider audience?
The pencil drawings have a delicate element that works with the theme of human evolution as they have a 'human' touch.
I do really like the collage ideas but feel I need to use my drawing as I can become too reliant on my collage designs and need to expand my crafting techniques.

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