Wednesday 9 November 2016

OUIL403: Illumination development

Illumination - first ideas

One of the themes I decided to explore for the lecture was the idea of the silent majority. During the photoshop workshops I learnt about the stamp tool that can be used to create strange rearranging of faces.
I've tried removing the mouths from my found images to illustrate the idea of not having a voice and adding red for the dangers of not speaking up.

I'm not sure if the illustrations are clear and perhaps too ambiguous for such a strong message of wanting to change the world for the better.  

Should the tone be more optimistic? Apocalyptic? Sinister?

I think they should have a more cautionary tone to reflect the text.

I really like the texture and layout as a possible landscape idea. I also think the partial removal of the mouth of the woman gives the impression of some people who try to speak out against issues but lack the ability to do so effectively. The red highlight of the woman in the centre is to represent the potential ability of someone in society who is brave enough to stand up to the waves of ignorance in her generation.

A play on 'Your country needs you' poster. Empowerment, bravery and individualism.

Is red an appropriate colour to highlight the silent majority.
Red in a political context could be divisive.
Red does work however aesthetically with the monochrome found images. 

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