Sunday 13 November 2016

OUIL403: Book Cover Final

Book Cover Final

I'm very happy with the illustrations on the book cover but I should have use digital for the type. This takes away from the overall success but I will learn from this for the future.

Spend more time on researching and testing typography
How will the type work with the image?
The hand drawn type is wrong for the tone of the book and illustration

The combination of colour and pencil drawing is the main positive I will take from the brief.
I want to develop this technique as it has a lot of flexibility and can be manipulated easily.
I've challenged myself to use pencil drawing in an interesting way and the colour allows the pencil lines to be more bold and expressive.

I didn't want the drawing to be a photo real copy but the small detailed section draws the viewer in and adds a bit of interest for the audience, focusing on the eyes.

Overall I feel the cover is a failure as I didn't put as much time into the typography as the image making but I believe the mistake will be a blessing in the long term for improving my skills.

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