Tuesday 7 February 2017

Miro - I See Faces

Miro museum, Barcelona 2016

I tried the library for some inspiration for 3D ideas and remembered Miro's work from when I was in Barcelona in September. My character could be a Miro creation and it was really interesting to see his sketches and how rough and loose they are. His 3D creations look almost exactly like his sketches which is a brilliant example of realising a character from sketch to 3D model.

I can see the sketches are drawn straight from his thoughts on to paper. No pretty pictures or shading. I'm pleased to see he also can't be bothered to finish colouring in the shapes as I do that too. I don't know how quick his drawing technique was but the sketches serve their purpose perfectly, to get an idea down and I can see his personality and imagination is maintained from the initial sketches into the 3D sculptures. The sculptures have the energy and playfulness of his sketches. He often used an arrangement of inanimate objects as a starting point for his sculptures, bringing them to life.

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