Monday 27 February 2017

406: Use of shape

Simple shapes - Saul Bass

I've been looking at artists who used simple forms in their art to great effect. Saul Bass' posters use minimal symbols that have maximum effect in communicating an element of a film or an iconic moment. The Magnificent Seven is incredibly simple but the colour red gives it an dangerous edge and the method of using tally marks suggests only one person may survive at the end of a brutal game. So simple yet powerfully symbolic.  


I want to look at being kind to yourself as an act of kindness and while researching old masters artists, Picasso and Matisse's paintings and drawings are the kind of direction I'm naturally going with my sketches. Their forms could be recreated in Illustrator and using two colours only. They have limbs and faces intertwined which would work well for a circular format.
Universal appeal - simple, recognisable shapes
Harmonious, symmetrical, elegant, rounded?

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