Tuesday 7 February 2017

I See Faces - Character development

I've gone with the strange creature that was probably the most popular on the group tutorial.
I think it's movement is more important to conveying the song's feel than the facial features so the face can be kept very simple. Also I imagined the creature as if viewed from a distance so the mysterious, alien look of the creature is amplified by a face that doesn't identify with too many human characteristics.
It's long legs will give it a slow, rangy movement to keep in line with the slow progression of the piano notes.
I'm still not sure if it could be mechanical/robotic or organic. I want to use geometric shapes to simplify it as much as possible. The repetitive nature of the song would suit a robot character I thought of that cleans the landscape of scrap materials but it would be more appropriate to have an organic alien creature to give a sense of the emotion and warmth that I felt in the song.

I need to work out it's key movements and more about what it does as a creature. I feel it seems like a gentle giant herbivore that grazes the grasslands.

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