Saturday 6 April 2019

Room 237

The main focus of my work will be about Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (1980) and specifically the wild theories about hidden meanings within the film. He has a reputation for being a reclusive genius who acts like a dictator when making his movies but a bit of research shows that's not true.

I want to make some work in response to these theories, most of which are told in the documentary film Room 237 (2012) which has some elaborate and ridiculous theories from some of the commentators. (proper version on Amazon Prime).

Kubrick's films are so thoroughly thought out and so clinically executed with such depth that I think focusing on one film will be better for time keeping. Each film deserves a whole project to itself. Plus I'm now obsessed with The Shining.

There's loads of layers, symbols and props I can use. I want to highlight the absurdity of the claims in the film and try have some fun with it so I don't get too bogged down with the project.

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