Thursday 4 April 2019

603 - Stanley Kubrick research

I had a visit to the Stanley Kubrick Archive when we went down for the Hanbury trip. I only had an hour and a half so only got to look at a few items from the Shining and 2001: A Space Odyssey films. There's so much to look at so I had The Shining scripts with Kubrick's notes on them scanned and managed to have a look at Jack's Eagles t-shirt, and Wendy's yellow jacket. It was slightly surreal seeing the clothing which was faded and weary looking. It wasn't much time but it was worth a look for a bit of inspiration and shear curiosity as a fan of the films.

Stanley Kubrick Archive scans...

I had an idea of a tongue in cheek mini project that drew similarities between my experience on the course and The Shining. The stress has been getting to me lately and it was funny to match up some of the iconic scenes from film's hotel and the university. Room 237 is the best comparison. I wasn't sure what the overall contextual meaning would be and it wouldn't be worth just copying and pasting the characters from the film into the university building for a cheap laugh so might shelve it for now.

Shining (DVD) screen shots

Archive ref
SK/12/1/2/2 Typewritten notes on yellow paper giving plot and character points relating to the storylines for the scenes on board the Discovery Spacecraft and mainly relating to the computer character for the storyline of 2001: Space Odyssey
SK/12/2/1/31 Black and white photographs of the surface of the Earth taken from space

SK/12/2/4 Pre-production Artwork
SK/12/2/4/10 The scene depicts a teacher with children painting a pond area in the moon base.
SK/12/2/4/11 The file contains large pictures of concept artwork depicting spaceships as well as life on alien worlds. Included are pictures of the giant Monolith above Jupiter with an astronaut standing on it.
SK/12/2/4/4 Storyboards
SK/12/2/4/6 Roy Carnon Artwork
SK/12/2/4/7 Richard McKenna Artwork
SK/12/2/2/10 Pictures by Chesley Bonestell of futuristic spacecraft and planets in the Solar System. Also included are photographs of distant galaxies.
SK/12/2/4/21 Earth Art Transparencies

SK/12/3/16 Lists and photographs of costumes worn by the cast.
SK/12/3/16/2 Three colour positive transparencies of the ape masks
SK/12/3/2/19 Colour transparencies of scenes in Africa for Dawn of Man sequence.

SK/12/9/1/2 Black and white photographs of members of the cast and crew members on set.
SK/12/9/4 Commissioned Drawings and Paintings
SK/12/9/1/2/11 Prints of actors in costume, including Ed Bishop, William Sylvester and Leonard Rossiter.
SK/12/9/1/3/3 Final Bedroom Scene
SK/12/9/1/8/2 Pictures of the Starchild model, seen at the end of the film.
SK/15/3/4/2 Jacks Manuscript: eight sets of typewritten stacks of paper on each sheet of which is written "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
SK/15/3/3/3 Clothes and shoes for Wendy Torrance (played by Shelley Duvall) in six boxes.
SK/15/3/3/2 Costume for Jack Torrance (played by Jack Nicholson) in 5 boxes.
SK/15/3/4/10 Instructions for using the radio. The radio was used several times by the character Wendy, including a scene where she tries to contact the Sheriff only to find that Jack has broken it.
SK/15/3/4/12 The letters comment on not being able to think at the Hotel, and of strange dreams, and cuts off mid-sentence
SK/15/3/4/13 Overlook Hotel Letterheaded Paper
SK/15/6/1 Photographs and photographic material of set models
SK/15/6/2 Photographs of sets, both during the creation process and completed. Sets include hotel exterior and common rooms.
SK/15/6/4 Two files of images of the prop labyrinth
SK/15/6/3 Photographs and photographic material related to production, and especially filming. Many of these images appear to have been later used for publicity
SK/15/2/5Letter to Jan Harlan from Rudi Fehr with list of popular songs from 1920 to 1935.
SK/15/1/19 A one page description of a possible finale,
SK/15/1/1 Handwritten notes on Stephen King's novel 'The Shining'
SK/15/2/2/7 Photograph - Piano Lounge of the RMS Laconia
SK/15/2/1 Location Research
SK/15/2/3/3 61 drawings of floor plans, elevations and projected appearance of Overlook Hotel
SK/15/1/22 Partial draft script

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