Tuesday 28 March 2017

OUIL406 - Final poster/postcards/stamps

 Final poster - Martha Graham



What worked?

There is a successful harmony between the different media used in all the designs. 
Balanced use of colour and a coherent aesthetic link between all the images. 
The gritty, defiant tone captures Graham's philosophy and attitude. 
The tone is bold and dark like her dancing style but also celebrates her influence on dance.
The brush strokes create the sense of energy in her dance.
A textured background creates the atmospheric backdrop for the content within the frame.

What didn't?

A comment in the final crit suggested the paint strokes could of been more angular like Graham's dance movements which makes good sense - maybe the brush strokes are too fluid.
Simple things like organising the layers in Photoshop - it's easy to lose track of all the layers if you don't keep grouping and labeling them.
Flattening layers and checking the right canvas size is simple but vital stuff to get right. 

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