Overall I have enjoyed making work for the module. I feel my ability to produce professional level work is much more consistent. I've developed new methods of working by adapting to problems faced with each brief and feels like a definite progression in my all round craft which is really pleasing.
The Zine brief I reverted back to a collage making process which felt lazy and led to my decision to embrace drawing for the next brief and the determination to have faith in trusting myself to create good work based more on drawing than collage.
I was pleased with the final outcomes for Idea Pictures. I was able to create interesting outcomes with; layering and collaging the drawings. At this point of the module I was convinced this was the way I needed to work but although the editorials were aesthetically and conceptually successful I needed my work to have more power, variation and flexibility. It was nice recognition to have two of the editorials selected for the university NEST magazine.
Learning After Effects was a new skill gained and I intend to master it more as it makes sense to play around with the software and use the technicians' advice while at university. I've improved my knowledge of Illustrator too and it became a vital part of Printed Pictures, using Wacom tablets to trace my drawings.
For the early stages of the module I certainly felt a bit lost in having a quick and fluid way of approaching briefs but as it's progressed my process has become more streamlined and efficient because of the way I've brought all the hand drawn and digital tools together.
Whilst happy with the outcomes for the briefs I want to eradicate my tendency to be underproductive for the first half of each brief. I've confidence in my ability to produce a good final outcome but need to resolve ideas much quicker for a more professional approach.
I struggled keeping up with the work load and not spending enough time in the studio in the early stages of each brief I'm sure was the reason for this. I avoided some group crits and studio sessions as I felt I could get more work done at home but after spending more time in the studio environment for the last parts of the Printed Pictures and Moving Pictures briefs I now see how the studio can be a quiet place to work, focuses me and being around my peers stimulates a better work ethic. Experimenting in the print room is something I need to do more of as using printed textures is something I definitely want to become a feature of all future work.
I enjoy the image making process as a whole much more now I can see overall improvement in my standard of work. Last year I'd often feel relief at just managing to produce a final outcome and tended to enjoy the visual journal drawing process more as a sort of procrastination but now feel excited about the journey as a whole and enjoy the challenges more because of the new skills and techniques I've gained over this module. I hope to take this more complete approach into the new modules.
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