Monday 5 December 2016

OUIL404: Collage book

Robots and Future Technology

I've really enjoyed making this book. I've realised I can fall in love with an image or piece of illustration and at the same time reject the majority of image making I see. I'm drawn to collage for it's clarity and open ended possibilities of interpretation. The smallest adjustment can alter an images meaning completely.  

The subject of future technology is obviously difficult to visualise as the development of technology seems to be accelerating faster and faster and if we saw technology fifty years from now we'd probably have our minds blown. I feel it could be a more subtle relationship between machines with implanted technology into the human body.
I feel like I subconsciously reference Sci-fi TV and film in some of the images as this seems to form our vision of the future. Using hand crafted collage to illustrate future technology is difficult in terms of aesthetic but the concepts of extra dimensions and biotechnology for example can be communicated so sharply because universally we can make sense of the arrangement of the found images.

Torn paper and simple blocks of colour are given a meaning and purpose once one or two images are added.

The coloured background below is a printer test I found in the bin in the library. It's great you can use anything you find to create illustrations.


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