Monday 10 October 2016

OUIL404 - Sketchbooks (Observational drawing)

Sketchbooks - observational drawing

I continued to draw objects and people outside of college to improve my understanding of good observational drawing. 

The train station is good for practicing quick, basic drawing of people moving or stationary. 
Animals like birds and dogs are useful for trying to capture the shape and movement with just a single line.  

It's important to look at drawing as a modern tool. Drawing can be used in new and different ways to bring an object to life. The sheep's skull is aesthetically beautiful so it's interesting to experiment and draw lots of versions quickly and realise the fluid movements capture the curves and details of the skull in a much more personal way. A typical sketch could of been anybody's drawing but the more fluid and honest quick drawings are a true visual representation of what I see. 


The use of pink ink could be used as an overlap with the black ink.

I will try drawing the same object using different colours but I also like the contrast of the black drawings next to the vivid pink drawings.



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