Tuesday 18 October 2016

403 : How to use a piece of rope

I decided to use the positive feedback about the collage images and use black card as the rope but also using the ambiguous theme of not really knowing what is going on in the image and leaving this to the viewer to decide.

Some of the outcomes were more obvious than others but the lack of text explaining what is happening asks you to wonder where the rope is coming from and which direction the objects are being pulled into.

The fact the images are sharp and bold is a good contrast with the more murky lack of explanation.


The cutting out process was time consuming but worth the final outcome. The arrangement layout needed considerable thought and time which I hadn't really thought about while cutting the images out apart from the central figure I knew I would use as a focal point.

Matt's suggestion of more variation in the shapes is something I will take note of. Varied shapes may have amplified the abstract nature of the rope.

The images are perhaps too much of a jumble of new and old and I could of stuck with either a particular time period e.g 1950s imagery or more modern images such as the fashion photography.

I really liked other people's use of the same character in different scenarios which worked really well.


I tried black ink but the black card had more clarity and I also wanted the challenge of working with card any seeing if any of it's restrictions brought up any good outcomes rather than the complete control of using a pen.

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