Tuesday 11 October 2016

OUIL403 - 100 ideas feedback

                                   How to.. typology poster 100 ideas feedback

My peer tutor Rei game me some good feedback on my ideas for the poster.
She thought the black card used to represent the rope was more striking on lighter toned photographs and suggested looking for tightrope and circus themed photos.
I will follow up on Matt's suggestion of developing the ambiguity and playfulness nature of the collage experiments.
The written feedback was positive and suggestive, especially 'sick mate'.

I will not use text to explain how the rope is being used and leave it open for the viewer to decide.

I will use the central figure in the picture below in a similar position. A happy accident that works well visually as a focal point to arrange the other vignettes around.


Experiments with black ink, oil pastels and using rope to create rope marks.


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