We were asked to choose a theme to do six pages of drawings for. Robots & Future Technology seemed like a good subject to explore as it's something I've never really explored visually. 2001 A Space Odyssey concept art by Harry Lange was a good starting point for ideas.
I looked at trying to draw what I imagined future tech might be like. Nanotechnology is the still developing technology of miniature robotics that could be the way we fight cancer cells and maybe become part of the human body.
I looked at representing the tiny nano robots as simple 'bits' that collide and fly through the images. As they would be virtually invisible I explored the idea of drawing the blurred, cloudy aspects of tiny pieces interacting with their environment.
Matt suggested finding a shape or object and repeating it. I thought about the perfection of spheres and planets and tried to come up with variations on circles, sections of spheres and smooth surfaces.
I need to be brave with the use of materials as it might open up new ideas. I'm also thinking about the clothing of the future which usually ends badly in sci-fi films once they get dated so I'll focus on the biological integration of robotics into human biology.
How would technology be biological engineered?
Would we become part human, part robot?
Will human biology become indestructible?
The black on red works well and using just two colours helps give the drawings a balanced, symmetrical quality which works for technological type sketching.
It's important to not get tunnel vision when an idea seems to just look good rather than thinking does the idea communicate well.
It's fun creating concept art landscapes of imaginary worlds but it also really helps the process of seeing if the ideas work in an everyday environment. The nano 'bits' looks OK but possibly too vague. It works when used in context e.g a futuristic setting. The rest of the drawing needs to work with the simplicity of the nano bits.