Friday 29 September 2017

Study Task 1 - About the Author Zine

One of the feedback comments was 'Seems a bit rushed?'
The zine was definitely rushed towards as I was adding the texts in on the deadline day morning.

The zine has some consistency in it's aesthetic and colour use, using bright pink against the black.
The guideline was to not think too hard about the zine and I didn't so it was nice to be loose and make 'bad' work in a funny way.

I used the task as a test for the pink on black combination which always has positive feedback.

Using a single, bold colour with black really helps me visualise an image and appeals to me personally so I want to gradually develop this colour technique in more subtle, refined ways.

One thing I found with such a short deadline I reverted back to using collage to quickly get the ideas across. I often don't consider my rough sketches as anything other than preparations if I'm using a refined traditional media for the finished work. Maybe that's why I used collage instead.

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