Friday 29 September 2017

About the Author - Oliver Sacks - locations and Bio/quotes


New York Hospitals/Wards
Botanical Gardens, New York
Natural History museum
Swimming/New York bay

“I am very tenacious, for better or worse,” he wrote in “A Leg to Stand On.” “If my attention is engaged, I cannot disengage it. This may be a great strength, or weakness. It makes me an investigator. It makes me an obsessional.”

'He was also a man of contradictions: candid and guarded, gregarious and solitary, clinical and compassionate, scientific and poetic' nytimes

“I love to discover potential in people who aren’t thought to have any,” he told People magazine in 1986.

Sacks seemed to be very much a thinking person; asking big questions with a philosophical approach.
He was a clumsy/ not very practical person
“I lost samples,” he told an interviewer in 2005. “I broke machines. Finally they said to me: ‘Sacks, you’re a menace. Get out. Go see patients. They matter less.’ ”

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